Friday, March 4, 2016

Making progress really doesn't mean perfection......

My recovery from depression has been awesome.  But it has had ups and downs.  It also has required much of me, because I'm having to deal with life as it is.  And sometimes life is very messy. So, I muddle through.  And I keep checking to make sure I'm still on the correct path.  Which means that recovery for me is a learning procsss.  Truly, I take one step at a time.  Why did this come to mind?  I'm watching as a friend of mine tries to find her path.  In some ways, her path is much more complex than mine.  My life may be messy....but I'm dealing with far less than she is.  This young woman has more than one diagnosis.  The complexity of her mental health issues seriously compromises her physical health. And the result is that her battle is seriously a challenge.

The fact that gives me hope for her is that she has deternination in spades. She has a great deal of courage. And as she continues to work through things, including medication changes, I continue to have hope for her.  But like for most of us, her path isn't going to be straight up. We all hit roadblocks.  We all hit periods where we don't think we are going anywhere. Those of us who survive continue the battle in spite of the problems.  I have felt lucky bcause I've had wonderful support as I experienced the bad times. So, I'm able to maintain. Since I moved to Tennessee, I've had few periods or issues that seriously challenged my recovery. I always knew there was a path through.

I'm lucky. I have medication and it works.  I have a job, and while it isn't perfect....I am provided for and have something to do which I truly enjoy. I have support. I'm living a satisfied life, which I love documenting in this blog.  But I know the complexity of mental illness.  I still remember how badly I wanted to die at some points in my journey.  And I've seen the hopelessness in other lives. From Maxine to many of my clients.....I've seen the pain.  And my prayer is that everybody living with mental illness finds their path. It is possible.  But only if we take the problem seriously.

My friend is getting help. Sometimes it seems to be working.  Sometimes it doesn't. But there is hope.  And as I always tell you, my love, hang in there!  You deserve a healthy and peaceful life.  Sending all my love........

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