Sunday, November 15, 2015

Terrorism and Tragedy......

Today, the world is grieving.  Paris is the focus.  But, of course, there are other places that terrorism has been seen. And, of course, the arguing about who is at fault and which terrorist act is worse has exploded in the United States. Which shows me that the real tragedy is getting lost. There are people who died.  In terrorist attacks.  Human beings with families, friends, jobs, and lives.  I've looked at the picture of the smiling young woman from Cal State Long Beach who died and I can't even open up the story to look at the details.  It is too sad. She was 20 years old.  With a whole life ahead of her. So, I'm going to give myself a couple of days to absorb it.  Then I'm going to open up the story and read about it.  Right now is not the time.  I can grieve the loss without knowing more at the moment. This is what I've learned about coping with loss over a lifetime of living with depression.  Loss happens. And we have to take care of ourselves in order to survive. The world has been an extraordinarily dangerous place throughout time.  For some reason, man cannot live without destroying others. I think that it has gotten worse in recent years because weapons are more developed. And there are people who genuinely believe that they can only live if they destroy other people.

But here is what I can do.  I can open my heart and send my love and positive thoughts/prayers to the people in the impacted countries.  I can let go of the anger and focus on the people. I can be a loving member of the world community interested in making things better. I can reach out to the people I love today because we can all be taken from this earth in an instant. I can recognize that hate doesn't build lives, it destroys them.  I can be an example of hate...or I can be an example of love. And so can you.  If you are in the hate and anger, you are part of the problem. Human beings can be so much more than that.  We are capable of creating love, peace, and hope instead of hatred and death. And at the bottom, that is what this is about.  What we choose to create.

Here is where my hope comes from:  I see many people choosing love.  I hear prayers.  I hear people being one with the impacted countries. That is all I want to see right now.  How about you? Let's talk!

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