Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Finding my possibility........

Recently, I've been dealing with concerns that have led to depression for me in the past.  Pretty much, I'm dealing with life on life's terms.  So, how am I doing with using my new skills to deal with it? The news is mixed.  In some ways, I've made tremendous progress.  In others, I still need work. I tend to want to complain instead of taking steps to solve the problem.  The feeling of being 'hopeless and helpless' is one that is familiar to me.  So much of the time, I pay lip service to taking the steps to improve the situation.  Why?  Change is frightening.  I'm never sure I can actually make the changes that will make a difference.  I also have a small chorus of people in the background telling me that change is impossible. On the other hand, I have a small chorus of people in the background encouraging me. When I lived in Orlando, I participated in a group called Landmark Education.  I really did learn a lot from the group, which is based on finding possibility in your life.  At the time I was pretty depressed, so my ability to actually use the information was impacted. However, I have to admit that having a group of people telling me that I had to focus on "possibility" probably made a huge difference in my willingness to look for solutions. During that period though, the depression still was in control.

So, where is my focus on in terms of listening to the choir in the background?  I struggle with the negative choir, believing that the pain is inevitable and change is not possible. But I'm really forcing myself to focus on the positive choir.  And the message from that choir?  If you don't try, there is no possibility. None. Nada. It is an amazing concept. One that my depression has tried very hard to convince me is not true. I have a "NO" mind-set. You can see that clearly from my struggle to write my book. While I'm very committed to doing it, I have had periods when the "NO" was in total control.  Now, I'm actually doing it.  It's been slow work because I've fought the possibility all the way. But every day that I sit down and read through articles and try to put them in order, I'm challenging that negative mind-set. I will tell you, it hasn't been easy. But I'm doing it. (There will be a book. I know that today.)

In other areas of my life, that struggle plays out.  In terms of jobs, money, relationships, health, etc., I have a negative mind-set.  But when I focus on the positive choir, I realize I have the right to look for possibility in my life.  Not only do I have a right, I have an obligation to do so. Because if I don't, who else will take care of me?  No one. Even my loving daughter can't make it better if I don't make the effort on my own behalf. Trust me, she will try...but how I behave towards Judy is the key factor. The interesting thing about that positive choir focused on possibility is that it is a loving choir.  The negative choir isn't necessarily about not loving me, but it is focused on "Can't".  And that isn't a loving message.

Today, here is what I know. I'm committed to the possibility of good mental and physical health. I'm committed to the possibility of my personal safety.  I'm committed to the possibility of having "enough" in my life.  I'm committed to the possibility of joy in my job and the satisfaction of following my passion. I'm committed to the possibility of loving and nurturing people in my life. People who care that I'm happy.  Not people into criticism and negativity. All of this is truly possible if I commit myself to taking care of me.

Here is the final commitment: I'm committed to taking at least one step every day to fulfill on my possibilities.  None of this may turn out in the way I would like.  But if I don't put in the effort, it definitely won't.  So, I'm committed to the possibility. Can you relate to this?  How does this struggle show up in your life?  Can you see change even when others tell you it is impossible?  If you are living with a mental illness, seeing that there is possibility is an important recovery tool.  I would love to share your journey with you. As always, I'm here to talk.  Reach out.  Sending love........

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