Saturday, June 6, 2015

Finding my willingness to care for myself......

I've always lived life on a feeling level.  I'm one of those people who focuses on 'feelings' as much as thought.  But I'm also aware of the connection between emotion and thought.  What is all this about?   As I work through some health issues, I've become even more aware of the connection between how I view myself and the seriousness with which I approach my health.  So, my emotional health has a huge impact on my willingness to seriously care for myself.  For me, when self-care falls by the wayside.  And when I'm emotionally healthy, I still have to battle the old messages about my worth.  I'm worth feeling good.  I'm worth good health.  Because I'm a worthwhile person.  I don't always believe that.  And many living with mental illness can relate to my struggle.  The fact that mental illness attacks self-esteem is clear.  What makes it even worse is that it also impacts the esteem with which others view you. The combination of shame and stigma is difficult to battle. Even when you are self-aware and understand the problem. Right now, this is an important issue for me.  I have health problems.  And I need to take care of them.

So, what happens?  I don't always take my problems seriously.  Or I blame myself.  And I end up wanting to hide out instead of facing the issue. Can you relate?  Unfortunately, this kind of thing can snowball. And the end result is that I find myself facing a much more serious issue than I would have had I dealt with it before. So, here is Judy in recovery. And I'm going to create a new pattern.  I AM worth health.  I need to take care of my mind and body. I am capable of creating change. I will get to the doctor.  I will take my medicine.  I will get out and exercise.  I will keep my mind in the positive. How will I do that? By actively battling the depression and old messages. By recognizing that my desire to hide out is sabotage. By asking for help. By extending love and acceptance to myself. By working on my emotional state and my thought patterns.  I can do this.

How can you relate to this discussion?  Do you sabotage yourself and your health?  How do you battle that tendency?  What kind of changes are you willing to make?  Can we support each other in our efforts?  Let's talk!

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