Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Challenge and Finding Healing with the Arts........Angharad May

Annie's Words......

Mental illness is often something which is nigh impossible to express with words.  I know this all too well myself.  I have lived in the clandestine world of mental illness for the majority of my life, but it is only now at the age of twenty five that I am really beginning to be able to talk openly and honestly about it.  We all need to talk, otherwise the gargantuan issues build up inside us and exacerbate until we end up exploding in some way or another.  So, how do we cope if we are unable to talk?

Art is one of the most therapeutic ways of dealing with mental illness, and this is not only coming from personal experience but from the experience of learning how others cope with their mental health issues too.

However, the world is not yet completely ready to accept and understand mental illnesses, and that is partly because they are not talked about openly enough yet.  Some people have no problem talking openly and honestly about their mental health illnesses, yet others like myself in the past, do struggle.  If we do not talk openly about issues within the subject of mental health, how on earth is the world supposed to learn and be compassionate; how on earth is the world supposed to empathise and understand?

On my tumultuous journey through life, I have discovered that the best outlet for me to express myself is through art, especially in the form of writing.  When Anorexia leaves me too weak to talk; when Borderline Personality Disorder leaves me too tormented to be coherent; when Depression leaves me too melancholic to let words leave my mouth; when Anxiety leaves me too demented to make any sense; I turn to art.  Painting, sketching, cross-stitching, writing, singing, music, reading: any form of art to soothe my soul is what I turn to.

Not only is it therapeutic to turn to art in the midst of a mental health crisis, but it is helpful too; helpful for the world to see to begin to understand the complexities and intricacies of mental health.  We need this to happen in order to reduce stigma and stereotyping, to increase empathy and understanding.  So, let’s get arty together.  I cannot wait to see what you come up with!

Note: Angharad (Annie) is my good friend.  I am going to enclose a link to her artwork for you.  This is a spectacularly talented young woman.  She recently published a book of poems.  I will also enclose that link for you.  (Annie: I couldn't pick out just one.  And I want people to see a lot of your artwork.)


Judy (Links to her art)

Here is the link to her book:

Here is the link to her blog:

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