Saturday, July 18, 2015

Inna and hearing voices.....

Hi, my name is Inna. I'm diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder, Depressed type. I was diagnosed five years ago when I started hearing voices while attending college. I dropped out and was admitted to a hospital. Since then I have been in and out of several hospitals. I felt alone because I was the only one with any sort of mental illness that was around me at the time. I started taking Haldol first. I had such a bad reaction to it though. The next couple of years was changing from med to med, changing doses etc. And when they finally put me on Risperadol, it stopped the voices. 

Therapy helped so much. I was very unstable. I couldn't understand the real world anymore. I didn't know how to function like a "sane person". It's been a long and difficult journey and it's all been worth it. Getting sick has changed my life. It turned everything upside down but it has been rewarding. I am now healthy and happy. I feel healthier and happier than before I got sick. It's been a battle and still continues but I can finally say that I'm in a good place now :)

And then I found communities online and that has made my recovery progress faster. Do I still hear voices? Not all the time. And will I stop hearing voices at one point? Yes, I believe I can! I believe this is only one chapter in my life that I will soon put away and start a new chapter voice free. Thank you for your time :)

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