Monday, September 1, 2014

What I see is what I create.....

Really.  Life is as much about how we view it, how we cope with it, and how willing we are to make changes as anything.  Depression makes it hard to recognize that.  But it isn't impossible.  Given the fact that the right meds can provide a window that allows us to see things as they are, you have more power than you recognize.  The worse things are, the more important it is that you recognize your power.  I'm going to give an example.  My Aunt A has Alzheimer's Disease.  She is truly important to me because she was part of my support system as child.  She helped me survive Maxine.  I'm living in Tennessee and she is living in Illinois.  So I don't get to see her on a daily basis. I call her regularly.  From our conversations,  I get a picture of what is going on.

What has this got to do with depression?  If depressed, I would see nothing but the negative.  The loss.  And I would see nothing about the gifts.  Yesterday, I had an awesome conversation with my Aunt.  She was about as clear as she is going to be.  And she made me smile.  She was her usual self in some ways.  I loved hearing her sweet voice.  I enjoyed her little quirks.  And I phoned her talk about my Aunt and her health.  Of course, my Aunt has her good and bad days.  But she is still there.  She spends her time reading the newspapers and political articles she always has.  She enjoys time at home.  She gets visits from family.  And there is love. Will it get worse?  Of course.  And my much loved Aunt will die.  But today...she is here.  And she had a good day.  I love it.

I am so happy I see this.  So happy I have the ability to see the positive.  There are years in my life I couldn't.  So, what about you?  Do you see your responsibility for the way your life goes?  If not, I can help.  Let's talk!!!!

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