Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Living today and without expectation...

Living in the moment.  Simply living and living simply.  In a life filled with depression, anxiety and worry…I have had few opportunities to feel a sense of peace.  Today, I'm taking that opportunity.  I’ve chosen a simple existence.  One in which I'm working to provide myself with the basics. The job is something that I enjoy.  I get to see people. And enjoy conversation.  I’m letting go of the need to do or be something that I might not be.  I’m allowing myself the opportunity to accept myself for who and what I am. Today, I’m Judy.  I’m in Tennessee.  In a small town.  While waiting for a shift at a ‘day job’ which will provide the basics and not much else.  I’ve committed myself to the luxury of recognizing that all I have is today.  I can’t see into tomorrow.

Right at the moment, I’m sitting in a public library.  Using my free time to gaze out the window into the picturesque downtown and express what I’m feeling in a blog article.  My computer isn’t behaving particularly well.  Sometimes it skips around in the document and I find I’m typing in another section.  But I’m giving up my worry about what that means.  I’m being patient with myself and my computer.   I’m not borrowing problems that haven’t occurred yet.  I’m not living in the ‘what if’s’ of my life.  I ate a big breakfast at a small downtown snack shop.  I sat outside while I ate and enjoyed the cool air.  It was a snack shop that allows smoking.  So instead of becoming annoyed, I simply sat outside and used the table and chairs provided.  The cool air was nice. No worries about what I’m doing or not doing.  No obsessing about what I’ve failed at.  Or what I’m not doing right at this moment to move myself forward.  Or on why I’ve not achieved more in life.

As a person who has always had this cloud or worry hanging over her, this feels very peaceful.  I’m enjoying the fact that I’m close to my daughter.  I’m enjoying the fact that there is a man in Orlando who loves me enough to ask me whether I want to change my last name.  Even though that raises all sorts of worry about “what should I do” on a normal day, I’m not giving in to the worry. I’m simply enjoying the love.  There isn’t any heavy significance today.  What is just is.   

Today, I don’t care that I have a few wrinkles.  And that I’m getting older.  I’m not looking at my makeup over and over in the mirror to make sure that I look good enough.  I’m accepting Judy for what she looks like.  I’m not comparing myself to other people. As a matter of fact, I’m indulging in my favorite pastime…people watching.  Not for the purpose of judging.  Just for the purpose of watching.  I find myself wondering about who that person is. Not because I think I'm worse than that person.  Or have less. But just because I love hearing stories and getting to know other people.   

I’m not worrying about the fact that I’ve told you about my depression.  Or shared personal details of my life.  I’m seeing it for what it is.  An attempt to talk about what mental illness is. And to make it more comfortable for others to talk about who they are. So, what has your day been like?  Can you relate to what I’m talking about?  Are you being who you are today?  I have to tell you, this really is wonderful.  While I can’t guarantee that I can do it every day, I’m grateful to be able to do it right at this moment.  Why don’t you give it a try?  Let me know how it feels for you.  I would love to share your experience.  

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