Saturday, January 5, 2013

A spiral of shame...

Sometimes, I get caught in these periods in which I am unable to control the negative feelings.  As a matter of fact, they generally hit when I am facing something that triggers shame.  And they spiral downwards from there.  It is like being in a sink and swirling round and round as the water goes down the drain.  And that is exactly what I do.  Swirl closer and closer towards drowning in my shame.  Interrupting a ‘shame spiral’ is incredibly difficult.  When I am there, my thoughts AUTOMATICALLY go in the direction of self-destruction.  It is usually triggered by some kind of difficulty.  I remember one spiral when I worked in a daycare.  I don’t even know what triggered it.  I somehow got the impression I had done something wrong.  And I was in the spiral.  Battling this hopeless feeling that I was going to be in trouble.  And if you had asked me at the time, I don’t know if I could have told you what had triggered it.  It was just there.  This horrible feeling that all eyes were upon me seeing how bad I really am.  I was convinced that I was going to be fired that very day.  And NOBODY said anything to me.  At least that I remember.  But I sure do remember that spiral.  It was one of the worst that I have ever experienced.

Most of the time, I can identify the trigger.  Most of the time.  It can be financial issues.  The feeling that I have offended someone.  An expression of anger, from me or from someone else towards me. Whether it is appropriate or not.  A memory of a time when I have done something wrong.  Looking at my history in any meaningful way.   Or it truly can be nothing.  Just something I ‘thought’ I have seen.  Something I have ‘thought’ I have done.  And then I go looking for evidence.  And I am unable to convince myself that it is just in my imagination.  It spirals.  Downwards. Further and further.

If I am in a difficult time-period anyway, those are the times that I am MOST prone to that destructive thinking.  Most unable to shake the thought that ending it would be all for the best.  And most unable to reach out.  The thought makes me spiral even more.  So, I have learned that I have to reach out anyway.  But people ARE sometimes impatient during those periods.  They don’t get what this is.  Why I am suddenly so needy.  And since people don’t always respond to mental illness in very productive ways, I am not always able to get the assistance I need.  Which is what?  Most of the time, I don’t even know. (“Buck up, it will all get better" doesn’t do it.)

Recently, someone presented me with a wonderful visualization.  He told me that the tough times in life are like a detour.  It won’t take you out of the game, but it will take you into a new neighborhood before you can get back on track.  Hmmmm. I am a visual person.  That visualization has a lot of power for me.  The reason that it is visualization is that I can actually see the detour in my mind.  And because I am an extraordinarily visual person, following the visualization can be very calming for me.  It literally takes me out of the spiral.  It plucks me out and puts me back on more solid ground.  I can feel the difference physically.

Although I have physical symptoms, I don’t have breathing difficulty.  I feel a flushing, especially in the face.  And my heart rate might speed up.  I have always imagined that these spirals are a bit like a panic attack might be.  Who knows?  They might even be my version of a panic attack.  I have never shared this with a medical professional, so I don’t know.  They can be short-lived.  Or they can last for hours and hours.  But the basic thing about it is…I am in the midst of this situation in which I feel overwhelming shame.       

Can you relate to this?  Does this occur for you?  If it does, maybe it is time to consult a medical professional.  I am going to.  I support your efforts to make your life more comfortable.

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