Saturday, February 22, 2014

What I fear I create.....

So, most of the time, I have trouble recognizing this.  In my life as a depressed is awful, I am inadequate, there is no hope, and it is inevitable I will fail.  And that feels real.  I have had access to people and resources that tell me that isn't true.  I have also heard the idea expressed in my title.  Many times, I discount it.  I argue with it claiming that I really am a failure and that is the problem.  Recently, I have had a real-life experience forcing me to examine the role that my self-talk plays in my life.  And because I am not as depressed as I have been in the past, I can really see it.

I am working on creating a book out of my blog.  Which will require effort on a consistent basis.  There is considerable work involved.  And all of it involves an " I can" mindset.  I have to believe that my voice is important and worthwhile.  I need to put myself out there and be willing to take risks.  I have to be willing to hear "NO" without considering it evidence of my worth.  Or the worth of my project.  In short, I have to believe in myself instead of in the fear.  I see my tendency to live in the fear and talk myself out of it clearly.  It is actually kind of amusing.  "I can't" is a comfortable part of my vocabulary.  I've done it my whole life. And when I believe it, I stop living in possibility.  I stop moving forward by doing the work.  I stop myself.  And I make my fear real. I do it.  I create this negative reality.

Whether you are dealing with the mental illness of a loved one, or living with mental illness yourself, you are in charge of your path.  The choices might not be easy.  The work to be done is going to be connected to your self-talk.  Really.  You have the power to create failure by your acceptance of the inevitability of your fear.  I am really starting to understand that.  If I buy into the "I can't" brand of thinking, I am creating my failure. There are few situations in life that aren't influenced by what we tell ourselves about our ability to deal with what is going on.  I can create my future by believing I can.  If I stop working on my project because of my fear, IT WON'T HAPPEN!  How is your fear creating your reality?  What work are you avoiding because of the fear?  Listen to what you tell yourself.  Because that will create your reality.

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